निवडणूका बहुपर्यायी प्रश्न - १

निवडणूका बहुपर्यायी प्रश्न - १

निवडणूका MCQ & Answers

       भारतातील राज्य घटना भारतीय लोकांना आपले प्रतिनिधी आणि शासन निवडण्याचा अधिकार प्रदान करते. " Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Election MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. भारतीय लोक राष्ट्रीय पातळीवर ----------- त्यांचे प्रतिनिधी प्रत्यक्षपणे निवडतात.

A. लोकसभेसाठी                                                    B. राज्यसभेसाठी
C. विधानसभेसाठी                               D. विधानापरिषदेसाठी

Q.2. लोकांकडून प्रत्यक्षपणे निवडल्या जाणाऱ्या लोकसभेत --------सदस्य असतात.

A. २५०                                                                B. ५४३
C. ५००                                                           D. ७५०

Q.3. राज्यसभेचे सदस्य ------ निवडले जातात.

A. प्रत्यक्षपणे
B. अप्रत्यक्षपणे
C. खाजगीपणे
D. यापैकी नाही

Q.4. महाराष्ट्राच्या विधानसभेत -------- सदस्य आहेत.

A. ५४३                                                                    B. २४४
C. २८८                                                                  D. २५०

Q.5. -------- ही भारतीय संसदेची स्थानिक पातळीवरील प्रतिकृती आहे.

A. राज्यसभा                                                      B. ग्रामसभा
C. लोकसभा                                                        D. विधानपरिषद

Q.6. महाराष्ट्राच्या पंचायत राज्य संस्थामध्ये ----------- जागा महिला उमेदवारांसाठी राखीव आहेत.

A. ३३%                                                                  B. ३०%
C. ५०%                                                                  D. यापैकी नाही

Q.7. ग्रामीण आणि शहरी स्थानिक शासनामध्ये अनुसूचित जाती आणि अनुसूचित जमातींसाठी आरक्षित ठेवलेल्या जागा त्यांच्या लोकसंख्येच्या ---------- असतात.

A. ३३%                                                           B. ५०%
C. प्रमाणात                                                            D. २५%

Q.8. महानगरपालिका ही ---------- स्थानिक स्वराज्य संस्थेचा भाग आहे.

A. शहरी                                                                      B. ग्रामीण
C. दोन्ही                                                                 D. केंद्रीय

Q.9.प्रातिनिधिक लोकशाहीमध्ये --------- प्रक्रिया शासन आणि लोकांना जोडते.

A. न्यायायालय                                                                         B. हुकूमशाही
C. भ्रष्टाचार                                                                          D. निवडणूक

Q.10. सार्वजनिक उत्तरदायित्व म्हणजे लोकप्रतिनिधीने जनतेला ------------- असले पाहिजे.

A. विरोधी                                                   B. बेजबाबदार
C. उत्तरदायी                                                   D. यापैकी नाही

लोकशाही बहुपर्यायी प्रश्न - १

लोकशाही बहुपर्यायी प्रश्न - १

लोकशाही MCQ & Answers

       अब्राहम लिंकन यांच्या मते, " लोकांचे, लोकांनी केलेले, लोकांसाठीचे राज्य म्हणजे लोकशाही होय. " Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Democracy MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. अप्रत्यक्ष लोकशाहीला ---------असे म्हणतात.

A. प्रातिनिधिक                                                    B. शाही
C. नकारात्मक                               D. जुनी

Q.2. प्रत्यक्ष लोकशाहीची सुरुवात इसवी सन पुर्व तिसऱ्या शतकात ----------येथे झाली.

A. इंडिया                                                                B. अथेन्स
C. इंग्लंड                                                           D. अमेरिका

Q.3. प्रातिनिधिक लोकशाहीत ---------सर्वोच्च अधिकार असतात.

A. नेत्यांना
B. पक्षांना
C. लोकांना
D. राजांना

Q.4. संविधानात्मक शासन म्हणजे -----शासन होय.

A. कायद्याचे                                                                    B. पुरुषांचे
C. हुकूमशहांचे                                                                  D. झुंडीचे

Q.5. भारतात डॉ. बी. आर. आंबेडकर यांनी ------------लोकशाहीचा आग्रहाने पुरस्कार केला.

A. राजकीय                                                      B. सामाजिक
C. मर्यादित                                                        D. यापैकी नाही

Q.6. भारतीय राज्यघटनेत किती मूलभूत हक्कांचा समावेश करण्यात आलेला आहे?

A. चार                                                                  B. दोन
C. सहा                                                                  D. दहा

Q.7. भारतात स्थानिक स्वराज्य संस्थामध्ये महिलांसाठी किती टक्के जागा राखीव आहेत?

A. ३३%                                                           B. १५%
C. २७%                                                            D. ७०%

Q.8. दलित, आदिवासी, रोजंदारीवरील कामगार व मच्च्छिमार यांना भारतात ----------समूह मानले जाते.

A. पुढारलेले                                                                      B. वंचित
C. राज्यकर्ते                                                                 D. यापैकी नाही

Q.9.प्रातिनिधिक लोकशाहीमध्ये --------- प्रक्रिया शासन आणि लोकांना जोडते.

A. न्यायायालय                                                                         B. हुकूमशाही
C. भ्रष्टाचार                                                                          D. निवडणूक

Q.10. सार्वजनिक उत्तरदायित्व म्हणजे लोकप्रतिनिधीने जनतेला ------------- असले पाहिजे.

A. विरोधी                                                   B. बेजबाबदार
C. उत्तरदायी                                                   D. यापैकी नाही

Introduction To Cyber Security : Security Laws and Standards MCQ- Intellectual Property Rights, Type of IPR: Link2

Security Laws and Standards MCQ- Intellectual Property Rights, Type of IPR: Link2

Introduction To Cyber Security-Cryptography MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Introduction To Cyber Security-Security Laws and Standards MCQ- Intellectual Property Rights, Type of IPR questions? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. Registraion of Patent provides security to invention for ---------

A. 10 years                                                    B. 20 years
C. 30 years                              D. 50 years

Q.2. Which of the following is not threat?

A. Virus                                                                B. Hacker
C. Hard disk failure                                                           D. Operating system

Q.3. Legal rights related to creator of artistic and literary field is known as--------

A. Trade marks
B. patent
C. Trade Secrets
D. Copyrights and related rights

Q.4. Tradesecrets can be protected for--------

A. 10 years                                                                    B. 20 years
C. 30 years                                                                  D. Unlimited time

Q.5. Legal rights related to invention are called as---------

A. Patent                                                      B. Utility
C. a Trade secrets                                                        D. Trade Marks

Q.6. What is meant by novelty?

A. new                                                                  B. old
C. not useful                                                                  D. none

Q.7. WIPO stands for-------------

A. World Information and Patents Organisation                                                           B. World Intellectual Property Organisation
C. World International Property Organisation                                                            D. World Information Protection Organisation

Q.8. Trade Marks Act in India enacted in-------

A. 1999                                                                      B. 2000
C. 2001                                                                 D. 2002

Q.9.Indian Designs Act enacted in-----------

A. 2001                                                                         B. 2002
C. 2005                                                                          D. 2000

Q.10. Trade secrets can be protected for --------

A.10 yrs                                                   B. 20 yrs
C. 30 yrs                                                    D. Unlimited time

Q.11. A logo can be made exclusive property of a company by registering a---------

A. Trade mark                                                                                     B. Copy rights
C. Patent                                                                                     D. Industrial designs

Q.12. A singer wishes to assign the rights to reproduce a musical piece she has made of her concert.

A. Trade mark                                                                           B. Copy rights
C. Patent                                                      D. Industrial designs

Q.13. Intellectual property can termed as following type of property----------

A. Disposable                                                                           B. tangible
C. measurable                                                        D. intangible

Q.14. One of the following is a key characteristic of Trademark ?

A. A trademark identifies a product's origin
B. Slogans are not covered under trademark law
C. Trademarks are never an indicator of quality
D. Trademarks are "shorthand" for retailers to use in determining pricing strategy

Q.15. Which of the following is excluded from an intellectual property law?

A. Income Tax Act, 1962
B. Trademark Act, 1999
C. Patent Act, 1970
D. Copyright Act, 1957

Introduction To Cyber Security :Security Laws and Standards - Intellectual Property Rights, Type of IPR

Security Laws and Standards MCQ- Intellectual Property Rights, Type of IPR: Link1

Introduction To Cyber Security-Cryptography MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Introduction To Cyber Security-Security Laws and Standards MCQ- Intellectual Property Rights, Type of IPR questions? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. The collection, storage, and dissemination of information about individuals is included in the ethical category of ----------

A. accuracy                                                    B. privacy
C. accessibility                              D. property

Q.2. A piece of information that allows a Web site to record one’s comings and goings is called---------

A. a browser                                                                B. a cookie
C. a worm                                                          D. a macro virus

Q.3. All of the following are examples of intellectual property protections EXCEPT --------

A. copyrights
B. patents
C. contracts
D. trademarks

Q.4. A copyright gives the owner all of the following rights EXCEPT:--------

A. the right to copy the work.                                                                    B. the right to print the work as a book.
C. the right to publish the work on the Internet.                                                                 D. the right to privacy.

Q.5. A document that grants the holder exclusive rights on an invention for a fixed number of years is------.

A. a trademark                                                      B. a patent
C. a brandmark                                                       D. a copyright

Q.6. A government’s attempt to control the material broadcasted on the Internet is called--------.

A. censorship                                                                  B. privacy infringement
C. free speech                                                                  D. spamming

Q.7. E-commerce is the commercial transaction of services in a/an ----------.

A. mechanical format                                                           B. electronic format
C. paper                                                            D. none of the above

Q.8. ----------- is a generic term which refers to all the legal and regulator aspects of Internet and the World Wide Web

A. Cyber law                                                                      B. Cyber cafe
C. electronic law                                                                 D. Cyber dyne

Q.9.------------is a process of authentication of an electronic record.

A. Digital key                                                                         B. Digital Signature Certificate
C. Analog signature                                                                          D. key certificate

Q.10. In computer security, ----------- means that computer system assets can be modified only by authorized parities.

A. Confidentiality                                                   B. Availability
C. Integrity                                                    D. Authenticity

Q.11. In computer security, ------------- means that the information in a computer system only be accessible for reading by authorized parities.

A. Confidentiality                                                                                     B. Integrity
C. Availability                                                                                     D. Authenticity

Q.12. Which of the following is independent malicious program that need not any host program?

A. Trap doors                                                                           B. Trojan horse
C. Virus                                                      D. Worm

Q.13. Personal computers use number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?

A. Daughter board                                                                           B. Mother board
C. Father board                                                        D. Father board

Q.14. Which of the following is not component of information assurance system?

A. Confidentiality
C. Intigrity
D. Intigrity

Q.15. What is the difference between Data Integrity and Data Security?

A. Limiting physical access to computer systems; assigning passwords to users.
B. Consistent, accurate and reliable data; protection of data from unauthorized access.
C. Encryption; Audit trails
D. Distributing work to preserve integrity; installing system passwords

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ : Cryptography / Encryption - Digital Signature, Public key infrastructure, Tools and techniques of cryptography

Cryptography / Encryption - Digital Signature, Public key infrastructure, Tools and techniques of cryptography: Link1

Introduction To Cyber Security-Cryptography MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Introduction To Cyber Security-Cryptography / Encryption MCQ- Digital Signature, Public key infrastructure, Tools and techniques of cryptography questions? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. Messages were first encrypted in an ancient ----------

A. India                                                    B. China
C. Egypt                               D. Saudi Arabia

Q.2. -------- is a message that has to be transmitted into ciphertext.

A. hash                                                                B. ciphertext
C. key                                                          D. plaintext

Q.3. -------- is a process of changing plaintext into ciphertext.-

A. Cryptography
B. Encryption
C. Decryption
D. Cryptanalysis

Q.4. -------is a output after the process of encryption.

A. hash                                                                    B. ciphertext
C. plaintext                                                                 D. key

Q.5. ------------ is a process of changing ciphertext into plaintext.

A. Cryptography                                                      B. Encryption
C. Decryption                                                       D. Cryptanalysis

Q.6. -------is a word, number or phrase used to encryption or decryption.

A. hash                                                                  B. ciphertext
C. plaintext                                                                  D. key

Q.7. In ------- key cryptography technique single key is used.

A. single                                                           B. double
C. triple                                                           D. none of the above

Q.8. A key pair is used in -------- key cryptography.

A. single                                                                      B. public
C. combined                                                                 D. hybrid

Q.9. Public and private both keys are used so it is called as ------- key cryptography.

A. symmetric                                                                         B. asymmetric
C. multi-symmetric                                                                           D. none of the above

Q.10. MPuaximum blic key length is -------- bit.

A. 40                                                   B. 1024
C. 4094                                                    D. 256

Q.11. Secret key length is from ------- bit to ------ bit.

A. 40, 256                                                                                     B. 1024, 4094
C. 4094, 10024                                                                                    D. 10, 256

Q.12. ---------is the one of application of cryptography.

A. Message coding                                                                           B. Message encryption
C. Message decoding                                                     D. None of the above

Q.13. ------ is a science of breaking codes or ciphers.

A. Cryptography                                                                           B. Encryption
C. Decryption                                                        D. Cryptanalysis

Q.14. If message is in --------- then it is difficult to verify the message.

A. digitized image
B. plain English
C. plain Hindi
D. code

Q.15. -------- is a process that takes input of message & returns fixed-size-string.

A. hash                                                           B. hash value
                                                     D. hash digest

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ: Security Threats and Vulnerabilities- Security threats, Cyber crime, Cyber terrorism

Security Threats and Vulnerabilities MCQ- Security threats, Cyber crime, Cyber terrorism : Link1

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Introduction To Cyber Security-Security Threats and Vulnerabilities MCQ- Security threats, Cyber crime, Cyber terrorism questions? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. Threat can lead to attacks on computer systems-------------- and more.

A. Network                                                    B. Hub
C. Host                               D. code

Q.2. Vulnerability is a ---------- which allows an attacker to reduce a system’s information assurance.

A. Softness                                                                B. Weakness
C. Preakness                                                           D. Attack

Q.3. Threat can be either ‘Intentional’ or ---------

A. Natural
B. Individual
C. Accidental
D. Capable

Q.4. Most of the popular banking threats come from the ----- family.

A. Worms                                                                    B. Spyware
C. Shareware                                                                 D. Trojan

Q.5. Key logger is very powerful threat to --------- peoples login credential such as username & password.

A. Steal                                                      B. Avoid
C. return                                                       D. open

Q.6. A--------- website which is designed to look almost like the actual website is form of phishing attack.

A. Real                                                                  B. Local
C. Global                                                                  D. Fake

Q.7. Bluesnarfing is all about having an unauthorized access to a specific ------- phones, laptops or a PDA. Via Bluetooth connection.

A. Network                                                           B. Car
C. Mobile                                                            D. Printer

Q.8. Passwords are used for -----------

A. Access                                                                      B. Searching
C. linking                                                                 D. authentication

Q.9. There are --------- types of passwords.

A. Two                                                                         B. three
C. Four                                                                           D. Five

Q.10. Cyber Crime encompasses any criminal act dealing with computer and -------------

A. Printer                                                   B. Network
C. Man                                                    D. Technology

Q.11. Cyber terrorism is the use of ----------- in terrorist activities.

A. Internet                                                                                     B. terrorist
C. hackers                                                                                    D. Crackers

Q.12. IWM Stands for –------------

A. Information Warfare Monitor                                                                           B. Information Website Monitor
C. Infrastructure Website Monitor                                                     D. Information Web Manipulator

Q.13. The IWM collects ---------- information from the press and other sources tracking global trends in.

A. Open source                                                                           B. Close Source
C. First Source                                                        D. Last Source

Q.14. Privacy Control Protecting ---------. A] B]

A. Your Privacy
B. Your Security

Q.15. For securing the system make backups of important ----------- & Folders.

A. Files                                                           B. Reports
C. Data                                                      D. All of the above

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ: Information Security Concepts- Network Security, attacks, Computer Forensics, Steganography

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ: Information Security Concepts- Network Security, attacks, Computer Forensics, Steganography: Link1

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Introduction To Cyber Security-Information Security Concepts- Network Security, attacks, Computer Forensics, Steganography questions :Topology, Types Of Networks, TCP, IP Protocol, Internet? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. In computer security, ------- means that computer system assets can be modified only by authorized parities.

A. Confidentiality                                                    B. Availability
C. Integrity                               D. Authenticity

Q.2. In computer security, --------- means that the information in a computer system only be accessible for reading by authorized parities.

A. Integrity                                                                B. Availability
C. Authenticity                                                           D. Confidentiality

Q.3. The term e-commerce includes----------

A. Electronic trading of Physical goods and intangibles such as information
B. The electronic provision of services such as after sales support or online legal advice
C. All the steps involved in trade, such as on-line marketing ordering payment and support for delivery.
D. All of the above

Q.4. Which of the following is the largest community in classification of e-commerce?

A. Business to Business (B2B)                                                                    B. Business to Consumer (B2C)
C. Business to Government (B2G)                                                                 D. Government to Government (G2G)

Q.5. Which of the following is not the example of business to consumer (B2C) e-commerce?

A. Amazon.com                                                      B. e-bay.com
C. dell.com                                                        D. lastminute.com

Q.6. Which of the following are the benefits of E-marketing?     i) Speed ii) Reach and Penetration iii) Ease and Efficiency iv) Low Cost v) Targeted audience

A. i, ii, iii and iv only                                                                  B. ii, iii, iv and v only
C. i, iii, iv and v only                                                                  D. All i, ii, iii, iv and v

Q.7. The types of Business to Business e-commerce are ------------

A. Direct selling and support to Business                                                           B. Industry portals
C. Information sites about a industry                                                            D. All of the above

Q.8. Sniffers can be deployed in----------

A. Wired environment                                                                      B. Ethernet LAN
C. WiFi                                                                 D. All of the above

Q.9. Which of the following are the solutions to network security?       i) Encryption   ii) Authentication   iii) Authorization   iv) Non-repudiation

A. i, ii and iii only B) C) D)                                                                         B. ii, iii and iv only
C. i, iii and iv only                                                                           D. All i, ii, iii and iv

Q.10. --------- is to protect data and passwords.

A. Encryption                                                   B. Authentication
C. Non-repudiation                                                    D. Authorization

Q.11. What is the solution for availability of data?

A. Integrity                                                                                     B. Encryption
C. Backup                                                                                    D. None of the above

Q.12. Which method is used for Integrity of data?

A. Encryption                                                                           B. Cryptography
C. Steganography                                                      D. E-Commerce

Q.13. The-------- method is used for hiding information.

A. Cryptography                                                                           B. Integrity
C. Steganography                                                        D. Confidentiality

Q.14. Computer forensics is also known as ---------

A. Cyber forensics
B. E-commerce
C. Cryptography
D. Dictionary Attack

Q.15. Dictionary attack is the type of --------- attack.

A. Passive                                                           B. Hijack
C. Phishing                                                      D. Password