Database Management System MCQ
1. Introduction to DBMS |
1. Introduction to DBMS
1. Introduction
2. File system Vs DBMS
3. Levels of abstraction & data independence
4. .Structure of DBMS (Roles of DBMS Users)
5. Users of DBMS Advantages of DBMS
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2. Conceptual Design |
2. Conceptual Design 1. Overview of DB design process
2. Introduction to data models (E-R model, Relational model, Network model, Hierarchical
3. Conceptual design using ER data model (entities, attributes, entity sets, relations,
relationship sets)
4. Constraints (Key constraints, Integrity constraints, referential integrity, unique constraint,
Null/Not Null constraint, Domain, Check constraint, Mapping constraints)
5. Extended features – Specialization, Aggregation, Generalization
6. Pictorial representation of ER(symbols)
7. Structure of Relational Databases (concepts of a table)
8. DBMS Versus RDBMS
9. Case Studies on ER model
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3. SQL |
3. SQL
1. Introduction to query languages
2. Basic structure
3. DDL Commands
4. DML Commands
5. Forms of a basic SQL query (Expression and strings in SQL)
6. Set operations
7. Aggregate Operators and functions
8. Date and String functions
9. Null values
10. Nested Subqueries
11. SQL mechanisms for joining relations (inner joins, outer joins and their types)
13. Examples on SQL (case studies)
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4. Relational Database Design |
4. Relational Database Design
1. Introduction to Relational-Database Design ( undesirable properties of a RDB design)
2. Functional Dependency(Basic concepts, F+, Closure of an Attribute set, Armstrong’s
3. Concept of Decomposition
4. Desirable Properties of Decomposition ( Lossless join, Lossy join, Dependency
5. Concept of normalization, Normal Forms (1NF,2NF and 3NF), Examples
6. Keys Concept with Examples : Candidate Keys and Super Keys, Algorithm to find the
super keys / primary key for a relation
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