Operating System MCQ
1. Introduction |
1. Introduction
1. Operating System Structure – Simple structure, Layered approach, Micro kernels, Modules
2. Virtual Machines – Introduction, Benefits
3. System Boot
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2. Process Management |
2. Process Management 1. Process Concept – The process, Process states, Process control block.
2. Process Scheduling – Scheduling queues, Schedulers, context switch
3. Operations on Process – Process creation with program using fork(), Process termination
3. Interprocess Communication – Shared memory system, Message passing systems.
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3. Multithreaded Programming |
3. Multithreaded Programming
1. Overview
2. Multithreading Models
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4. Process Scheduling |
4. Process Scheduling
1. Basic Concept – CPU-I/O burst cycle, CPU scheduler, Preemptive scheduling, Dispatcher
2. Scheduling Criteria
3. Scheduling Algorithms – FCFS, SJF, Priority scheduling, Round-robin scheduling, Multiple
queue scheduling, Multilevel feedback queue scheduling
4. Thread Scheduling
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5. Process Synchronization |
5. Process Synchronization 1. Background
2. Critical Section Problem
3. Semaphores: Usage, Implementation
4. Classic Problems of Synchronization – The bounded buffer problem, The reader writer
problem, The dining philosopher problem
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6. Deadlocks |
6. Deadlocks
1. System model
2. Deadlock Characterization – Necessary conditions, Resource allocation graph
3. Deadlock Prevention
4. Deadlock Avoidance - Safe state, Resource allocation graph algorithm, Banker’s Algorithm
5. Deadlock Detection
6. Recovery from Deadlock – Process termination, Resource preemption
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7. Memory Management |
7. Memory Management
1. Background – Basic hardware, Address binding, Logical versus physical address space,
Dynamic loading, Dynamic linking and shared libraries
2. Swapping
3. Contiguous Memory Allocation – Memory mapping and protection, Memory allocation,
4. Paging – Basic Method, Hardware support, Protection, Shared Pages
5. Segmentation – Basic concept, Hardware
6. Virtual Memory Management – Background, Demand paging, Performance of demand
paging, Page replacement – FIFO, OPT, LRU, Second chance page replacement
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8. File System |
8. File System
1. File concept
2. Access Methods – Sequential, Direct, Other access methods
3. Directory and Disk Structure – Storage structure, Directory overview, Single level directory,
Two level directory, Tree structure directory, Acyclic graph directory, General graph
4. Allocation Methods – Contiguous allocation, Linked allocation, Indexed allocation
5. Free Space Management – Bit vector, Linked list, Grouping, Counting, Space maps
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