C programming MCQ

1.Problem Solving Aspects

1.Problem Solving Aspects
 1.Introduction to problem solving using computers.
 2.Problem solving steps.
 3.Algorithms-definition, characteristics , examples ,advantages and limitations. 
 4.Flowcharts - definition, notations , examples , advantages and limitations, Comparison with algorithms. 
 5.Pseudo codes - notations, examples, advantages and limitations.
 6.Programming Languages as tools, programming paradigms, types of languages 
 7.Converting pseudo-code to programs.
 8.Compilation process (compilers , interpreters), linking and loading, syntax and semantic errors, testing a program
 9.Good Programming Practices (naming conventions , documentation, indentation).
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2. ‘C’ Fundamentals

2.‘C’ Fundamentals
 1.History of ‘C’ language.
 2.Application areas.
 3. Structure of a ‘C’ program  
 4.‘C’ Program development life cycle 
 5.Function as building blocks.
 6. ‘C’ tokens 
 7. Character set, Keywords , Identifiers
 8.Variables, Constants (character, integer, float, string, escape sequences, enumeration constant).
 9.Data Types (Built-in and user defined data types).
 10.Operators, Expressions, types of operators, Operator precedence and Order of evaluation.
 11.Character input and output.
 12.String input and output.
 13.Formatted input and output.
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3. Control Structures

3. Control Structures
 1. Decision making structures:- if ,if-else, switch and conditional operator.
 2. Loop control structures:- while ,do while, for.
 3. Use of break and continue.  
 4. Nested structures. 
 5. Unconditional branching (goto statement).
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4. Functions

4. Functions
 1. Concept of function, Advantages of Modular design.
 2. Standard library functions.
 3.User defined functions:- declaration , definition, function call, parameter passing (by value),return statement.  
 4. Recursive functions. 
 5. Scope of variables and Storage classes.
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5. Arrays

5. Arrays
 1. Concept of array.
 2. Types of Arrays – One , Two and Multidimensional array.
 3.Array Operations - declaration, initialization, accessing array elements.  
 4. Memory representation of two-dimensional array (row major and column major) 
 5. Passing arrays to function.
 6. Array applications - Finding maximum and minimum, Counting occurrences, Linear search, Sorting an array (Simple exchange sort, bubble sort), Merging two sorted arrays, Matrix operations (trace of matrix, addition, transpose, multiplication, symmetric, upper/ lower triangular matrix )
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6. Pointers

6. Pointers
 1. Introduction to Pointers.
 2. Declaration, definition, initialization, dereferencing.
 3.Pointer arithmetic.  
 4. Relationship between Arrays & Pointers- Pointer to array, Array of pointers. 
 5. Multiple indirection (pointer to pointer).
 6. Functions and pointers- Passing pointer to function, Returning pointer from function, Function pointer.
 7. Dynamic memory management- Allocation(malloc(),calloc()), Resizing(realloc()),Releasing(free()).,
 8. Memory leak, dangling pointers.
 9. Memory leak, dangling pointers.
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7. Strings

7. Strings
 1.String Literals, string variables, declaration, definition, initialization.
 2. Syntax and use of predefined string functions
 3.Array of strings.  
 4. Strings and Pointers 
 5. Command line arguments.
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8. Structures And Unions

8. Structures And Unions
 1.Concept of structure, definition and initialization, use of typedef.
 2. Accessing structure members.
 3.Nested Structures  
 4. Arrays of Structures 
 5. Structures and functions- Passing each member of structure as a separate argument, Passing structure by value / address.
 6. Pointers and structures. 
 7. Concept of Union, declaration, definition, accessing union members. 
 8. Difference between structures and union. 
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9. File Handling

9. File Handling
 1.Introduction to streams.
 2. Types of files.
 3.Operations on text files.  
 4. Standard library input/output functions. 
 5. Random access to files.
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10. Preprocessor

10. Preprocessor
 1. Role of Preprocessor
 2. Format of preprocessor directive
 3.File inclusion directives (#include)  
 4. Macro substitution directive, argumented and nested macro 
 5. Macros versus functions
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