Relational Database Management System MCQ : Relational Database Design - Controlling the program flow : Link3

RDBMS MCQ : Relational DB Design - Controlling the program flow, conditional statements, loops : Link3

RDBMS MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Relational Database Management System questions-Relational Database Design : Controlling the program flow, conditional statements, loops problems? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Relational Database Management System MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. Which of the following is not true about labeling PL/SQL loops?

A. PL/SQL loops can be labeled.
B. The label should be enclosed by angle brackets (< and >).
C. The label name appears at the beginning of the LOOP statement.
D. The label name can also appear at the end of the LOOP statement or with an EXIT statement.

Q.2. What is the initial value of index for a reverse for loop?

A. UPPER bound
B. Lower bound
C. 1
D. Upper bound-Lower bound/2

Q.3. Which of the following is not true about PL/SQL decision making structures?

A. The IF statement associates a condition with a sequence of statements enclosed by THEN and END IF.
B. The IF statement also adds the keyword ELSE followed by an alternative sequence of statement.
C. The IF-THEN-ELSIF statement allows you to choose between several alternatives.
D. PL/SQL does not have a CASE statement.

Q.4. Which of the following statements can be used to terminate a PL/SQL loop?

A. GOTO                                                                           B. EXIT WHEN
C. KILL                                                                                 D. CONTINUE WHEN

Q.5. Which of the following is equivalent to multiple IF-ELSIF statements?

A. LOOP statement
B. FOR statement
C. CASE statement
D. WHILE statement

Q.6. How many ELSE clauses can an IF statement have?

A. 0 or 1
B. Always 1
C. 1 or 2
D. 1 to 10

Q.7. For which Exception, if a SELECT statement attempts to retrieve data based on its conditions, this exception is raised when no rows satisfy the SELECT criteria?

A. TOO_MANY_ROWS                              B. NO_DATA_FOUND
C. VALUE_ERROR                                            D. DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX

Q.8. Which of the following is true about PL/SQL program?

A. PL/SQL programs can exist with or without any SQL statements.
B. PL/SQL programs can exist only with any SQL statements.
C. PL/SQLprograms can exist only without any SQL statements.
D. SQL programs can exist only with PL/SQL statements.

Q.9. How many parts of a PL/SQL block are optional?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 0

Q.10. What is an anonymous block in PL/SQL?

A. A PL/SQL unit without decalarationA
B. PL/SQL unit without a body to execute
C. A PL/SQL unit without an exception handler
D. A PL/SQL unit without a name

Q.11. How does an execution block start and end in PL/SQL?

A. Starts with START and ends with END
B. Starts with BEGIN and ends with END
C. Starts with START and ends with ; (semi colon)
D. Starts with BEGIN and ends with ; (semi colon)

Q.12. How can a PL/SQL block be executed?

A. By using a semi colon at the end.
B. By using a colon at the end.
C. By using a slash (/)at the end.
D. By pressing "Enter"

Q.13. Which command should be used to turn on the output of PL/SQL commands in SQL*Plus?

A. set serveroutput on                                     B. showserveroutput on
C. set output on                                    D. set PL/SQL on

Q.14. What is a package in PL/SQL?

A. A package is a named PL/SQL unit stored in the database to perform action based on an event.
B. A package is an anonymous block in PL/SQL.
C. A package is a schema object that groups logically related PL/SQL objects.
D. A package is a subprogram in the database.

Q.15. What are composite variables in PL/SQL?

A. Variables having internal components                                     B. Native datatypes
C. Scalar variables                                               D. User defined datatypes