Oscillations, Waves and Sound - Damped Oscillations MCQ- Differential equation, Logarithmic decrement, Average energy, Quality factor, LCR series circuit : Link2
Damped Oscillations MCQ & Answers
Are you worried about the answers to Oscillations, Waves and Sound - Damped Oscillations- Differential equation for damped harmonic oscillator and its solution, Logarithmic decrement, Average energy of damped harmonic oscillator, Quality factor, Application: LCR series circuit questions? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ www.totalmcq.com to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Damped Oscillations MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.
Q.1. The discharge in LCR circuit is said to be over damped when -------.
Q.2. In damped harmonic oscillaor which one decreases?
A. amplitude of vibration
B. energy of vibration
C. both amplitude and energy D. neither amplitude nor energy
Q.3. When a damped harmonic oscillator completes 100 oscilaations, its amplitude is reduced to 1/3 of its initial value. What will be its amplitude when it completes 200 oscillations?
A. 1/5
B. 2/3
C. 1/6
D. 1/9
Q.4. When a dampeing force
B. critically damped
C. overdamped
D. free oscillations
Q.5. Select correct formula for quality factor ------.
Q.6. In a LCR circuit with C = 0.4 microfarad, L= 80 millihenry and R = 400 Ω, circuit is --------
A. critically damped
B. oscillatory
C. overdamped
D. insufficient data
Q.7. The equation of motion of damped oscillation is x = 5e-3t cos πt. Displacement and time period respectively are -----
A. 5, 2
B. π, 2
C. 2, 5
D. 5, π
Q.8. The frequency of damped oscillator of mass 6 gm is 10 Hz. If the coefficient of damping is 0.314 dyne/cm-s-1, what is its Q value ?
A. 1000
B. 1200
C. 3000
D. 520
Q.9. Ratio of energy stored to energy dissipation in one cycle on being multiplied by a factor of 2π gives ------
A. spring constant
B. power factor
C. damping coefficient
D. quality factor