Space Curves Beizer curvesLink-2
Space Curves Beizer curves MCQ & Answers
Are you worried about the answers to Computational Geometry : Space Curves Beizer curves questions :curve fitting (up to n = 3), equation of the curve in matrix form (up to n = 3)? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Computational Geometry : Space Curves Beizer curves MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.
Q.1. Free hand curve defined by control points entirely enclosed in defining polygon without any spline is called ------.
A. polygon
B. Be’zier Curve
C. defining polygon
D. control point
Q.2. Space curves has --------points.
A. Infinite points
B. Finite point
C. control points
D. non initial
Q.3. Continuous curves that are formed with pieces of polynomial function curves are called as -----------.
A. Be’zier Curve
B. convex Hull
C. spline curves
D. defining polygon
Q.4. A convex polygon boundary that encloses a set of control points is called a -------.
A. convex Hull
B. approximate
C. Interpolate
D. spline
Q.5. Bernstein basis functions are ----------.
A. uncountable
B. complex
C. imaginary performance
D. real
Q.6. Be’zier Curve is invariant under -------- transformation.
A. affine
B. combined
C. multiple
D. concatenated
Q.7. If 𝐵0[ 1 1 ], 𝐵1[ 2 3 ], 𝐵2[ 4 3 ] and 𝐵3[ 3 1 ] are the vertices of the Be’zier Curve then P(0.5) = ------.
A. [-2.75 , 2.5]
B. [ 2.75 2.5 ]
C. [2.75, -2.5]
D. [-2.75, -2.5]
Q.8. For Jn, i (t), I = 0, 1, 2.....n the value of Jn, i (t) is --------.
A. 0
B. n
C. 1
D. -1
Q.9. If 𝐵0[ 1 0 ], 𝐵1[ 2 3 ], 𝐵2[ 4 1 ] are the vertices of the Be’zier Curve then (0.6) = -------
A. [ 1.44, 1]
B. [ 2.56 1.80]
C. [ 2.15 1.60]
D. [ -2.15 -1.60]
Q.10. The curve passeing through first and last control points. This ------.
A. Be’zier Curve
B. polynomail
C. polygon
D. defining polygon