Relational Database Management System MCQ : Transaction Concepts and concurrency control: Link1

Relational Database Management System MCQ : Transaction Concepts and concurrency control : MCQ1

RDBMS :Transaction MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Relational Database Management System questions :transaction, properties of transaction, state of the transaction, Schedules, types of schedules, concept of Serializability, precedencegraph for Serializability? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Relational Database Management System: Transaction Concepts and concurrency control MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. Collections of operations that form a single logical unit of work are called ----------.

A. Views                                                                                B. Units
C. Tables                                                                                 D. Transactions

Q.2. Either all of them should be executed or none property is commonly referred to as---------

A. Isolation                                                                              B. Durability
C. Atomicity                                                                                    D. Consistency

Q.3. Which of the following is a property of transactions?

A. Durability                                                                                 B. Atomicity
C. Consistency                                                                                  D. All of the above

Q.4. Execution of translation in isolation preserves the ------- of a database.

A. Consistency                                                                           B. Atomicity
C. Durability                                                                                 D. All of the above

Q.5. A transaction that has not been completed successfully is called as--------

A. Compensating transaction                                                                                 B. Active transaction
C. Aborted transaction                                                                                      D. Partially committed transaction

Q.6. ---------systems is responsible for ensuring Isolation.

A. Recovery system                                                                          B. Compiler system
C. Atomic system                                                                                  D. Concurrency control system

Q.7. Which of the following systems is responsible for ensuring durability?

A. Recovery system                              B. Compiler system
C. Atomic system                                            D. Concurrency control system

Q.8. Which of the following is not a property of a transaction?

A. Atomicity                                                             B. Isolation
C. Durability                                                             D. Simplicity

Q.9. A chronological execution sequence of a transaction is called a -----------.

A. schedule
B. Serials
C. Organizations
D. Concurrent

Q.10. The scheme that controls the interaction between executing transactions is called as --------scheme

A. Concurrency control                                                                                       B. Multiprogramming
C. Serialization                                                                                       D. Schedule

Q.11. The statement given below describes which of the ACID properties of transactions?
"The changes applied to the database by a committed transaction must persist in the database, and these changes must not be lost because of any failure."

A. Atomicity                                B. Isolation
C. Durability                                           D. Consistency preservation

Q.12. Consider the following transaction involving two bank accounts x and y.

read (x); x := x - 50 ; write (x) ; read (y) ; y≔ y + 50 ; write (y)
The constraint that the sum of the accounts x and y should remain constant is that of-------

A. Atomicity
B. Consistency
C. Isolation
D. Durability

Q.13. ACID properties of a transactions are-------

A. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Database                                     B. Atomicity, consistency, Isolation, Durability
C. Atomicity, Consistency, Integrity, Durability                                    D. Atomicity, Consistency, Integrity, Database

Q.14. Consider a simple checkpointing protocol and the following set of operations in the log.
(start, T4); (write, T4, y, 2, 3); (start, T1); (commit, T4); (write, T1, z, 5, 7); (checkpoint);
(start, T2); (write, T2, x, 1, 9); (commit, T2); (start, T3), (write, T3, z, 7, 2);
If a crash happens now and the system tries to recover using both undo and redo operations, what are the contents of the undo list and the redo list?

A. Undo: T3, T1; Redo: T2                                               B. Undo: T3, T1; Redo: T2, T4
C. Undo: none; Redo: T2, T4, T3, T1                                            D. Undo: T3, T1, T4; Redo: T2

Q.15. Which property of database transaction create an allusion than only 1 transaction is executed in system in spite of more than one transaction is executed in parallel manner?

A. Atomicity                                     B. Durability
C. Isolation                                               D. Consistency