Physics - Oscillations, Waves and Sound - Forced Oscillations

Forced Oscillations - Differential equation for forced oscillations,Resonance,Velocity, Average energy, Quality factor: Link1

Forced Oscillations MCQ & Answers

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Q.1. Amplitude A of forced oscillations

 m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} +  R\:\frac{dx}{dt} + kx = fo \:\:\:sin\: qt\: is\: given\: as ----

 A. \:\:\:\:\:\: A=\frac{fo}{\sqrt(k-mq^2)^2 - R^2q^2}

 B. \:\:\:\:\:\: A=\frac{fo}{\sqrt(k-mq)^2 - R^2q^2}

 C. \:\:\:\:\:\: A=\frac{fo}{\sqrt(k-mq^2)^2 - Rq^2}

 D. \:\:\:\:\:\: A=\frac{fo}{\sqrt(k-mq^2)^2 - R^2q}

Q.2. The phase of oscillations

 m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} +  R\:\frac{dx}{dt} + kx = fo \:\:\:sin\: qt\: is\: given\: as ----

 A. \:\: tan\: \phi = \frac{Rq}{k-mq^2}

 B. \:\: sin\: \phi = \frac{Rq}{k-mq^2}

 C. \:\: cos\: \phi = \frac{Rq}{k-mq^2}

 D. \:\: tan\: \phi = \frac{R^2q^2}{k-mq^2}

Q.3. Which of the following differential equation represents forced oscillatory motion?

 A.\:\:\: m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} +\:\: kx = 0

 B.\:\:\: m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + R\frac{dx}{dt}+\:\: kx = fo\:\: sin\:\: qt\:\:

 C.\:\:\: m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + R\frac{dx}{dt}-\:\: kx = 0\:

 D.\:\:\: m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} - R\frac{dx}{dt}-\:\: kx = 0\:

Q.4. Natural frequency of free oscillations

 \:\:\: m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + R\frac{dx}{dt}+\:\: kx = fo\:\:sin\:\:qt\:\:is\:----

 A.\:\:\: \omega = \sqrt {mk}

 B.\:\:\: \omega = \sqrt {\frac{1}{km}

 C.\:\:\: \omega = \sqrt {\frac{m}{k}

 D.\:\:\: \omega = \sqrt {\frac{k}{m}

Q.5. Maximum amplitude of resonance at amplitude resonance in forced oscillation is -------.

 A.\:\:\: \frac{fo\:\omega}{R}

 B.\:\:\: \frac{fo\:}{\omega R}

 C.\:\:\: \frac{foR\:}{\omega }

 D.\:\:\: \frac{fo\: m\:}{\omega R }

Q.6. Resonance takes place when naural angular frequency of oscillations ω is ------- angular frequency of driving force q in forced oscillation

 \:\:\: m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + R\frac{dx}{dt}+\:\: kx = fo\:\: sin\:\: qt\:.

A. less than
B. greater than
C. equal to
D. less or greater than

Q.7. Maximum amplitude of velocity of resonance at velocity resonance in forced oscillation is ------.

 A.\: \:\frac{fo}{R}

 B.\: \:\frac{fo}{2R}

 C.\: \:\frac{foR}{2}

 D.\: \:\frac{fo}{\omega R}

Q.8. Half width Δω of the resonance for

 \:\:\: m\:\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + R\frac{dx}{dt}+\:\: kx = fo\:\: sin\:\: qt\:\:is ----

 A.\: \:\frac{R}{m}

 B.\: \:\frac{R}{2m}

 C.\: \:\frac{R}{4m}

 D.\: \:\frac{R}{8m}

Q.9. At velocity resonance, phase difference between displacement and applied force is -------.

   A. π

 B.\: \:\frac{\pi}{4}

 C.\: \:\frac{\pi}{2}

   D. 2π

Q.10. Bandwidth of power resonance q is the difference in angular frequencies of applied force for which power falls from

 \bar Pmax \: \: to\:\: \frac{1}{2}\bar Pmax \:\: is \:\:given \:\:as\:-----

 A.\: \:\frac{R}{m}

 B.\: \:\frac{R}{2m}

 C.\: \:\frac{R}{4m}

 D.\: \:\frac{R}{8m}