Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ: Networking Concepts - Topology, Types Of Networks, TCP, IP Protocol, Internet

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ: Networking Concepts - Topology, Types Of Networks, TCP, IP Protocol, Internet: Link1

Introduction To Cyber Security MCQ & Answers

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Q.1. Which of the following is/are Basic Components of Communication systems.

A. Transmission media                                                    B. Data source
C. Transmitter                               D. All of the above

Q.2. BIT means ----------

A. Basic Intelligent Text                                                                B. Binary Digit
C. Basic Text                                                           D. Binary Text

Q.3. Example of serial port is ----------

A. USB port                                                      B. Printer port

Q.4. ISO/OSI model is ------layer model.

A. 7                                                                    B. 5
C. 4                                                                 D. 3

Q.5. TCP/IP model is--------layer model.

A. 5                                                      B. 7
C. 4                                                       D. 3

Q.6. FTP protocol is used in---------layer of ISO/OSI model.

A. application                                                                  B. presentation
C. network                                                                 D. data link

Q.7. Full form of B.P.S. is ----------

A. Bits Per Second                                                           B. Bytes Per Second
C. Bill Per Second                                                           D. Baud Per Second

Q.8. In simplex transmission method data is transmitted in----------

A. one direction only                                                                      B. bi-direction but one direction at a time
C. bi-direction, simultaneous                                                                 D. no data is send

Q.9. In computer network, fastest transmission media is ------------

A. twisted-pair cable                                                                         B. co-axial cable
C. fiber optic cable                                                                          D. radio waves

Q.10. In TCP/IP, at application layer, protocol used is ---------

A. SMTP                                                   B. TCP
C. UPD                                                    D. IP

Q.11. In TCP/IP, at transport layer, protocol used is --------

A. SMTP                                                                                     B. UPD
C. IP                                                                                    D. TCP

Q.12. Internet Explorer is a web browser used in -------- operating system.

A. Windows O.S.                                                                           B. UNIX O.S.
C. SUN SOLARACIS                                                      D. LINUX O.S.

Q.13. In TCP/IP, at network layer, protocol used is --------

A. SMTP                                                                           B. TCP
C. UPD                                                         D. IP

Q.14. Full form of MAN is ---------

A. Metropolitan Area Network
B. Municipal Area Network
C. Man Area Network
D. Master Area Network

Q.15. Area covered in PAN is------

A. 1 meter                                                           B. 1 km.
C. 10 km.                                                      D. 100 km.