Compiler Construction MCQ :Memory allocation-static and dynamic memory allocation : Link1

Compiler Construction MCQ :Memory allocation-static and dynamic memory allocation : Link1

Compiler Construction MCQ & Answers

       Are you worried about the answers to Compiler Construction questions :Memory allocation-static and dynamic memory allocation,Memory allocation in block structure languages, Array allocation and access.? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Compiler Construction MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.

Q.1. The dope vector is exist during ---------

A. compilation.                                           B. execution.
C. static allocation                                     D. all of the above.

Q.2. Choose the statement which is incorrect with respect to dynamic memory allocation.

A. Memory is allocated in a less structured area of memory, known as heap
B. Used for unpredictable memory requirements
C. Execution of the program is faster than that of static memory allocation
D. Allocated memory can be changed during the run time of the program based on the requirement of the program

Q.3. Dynamic memory allocation is implemented using ---------

A. array                                                        B. stacks
C. heap                                                        D. Both B & C

Q.4. The memory for variable is allocated before the execution of a program is called------allocation.

A. static                                                       B. dynamic
C. automatic                                               D. program controlled

Q.5. In--------allocation,a memory can be allocated or deallocated at arbitrary points during its execution.

A. static                                                        B. dynamic
C. automatic                                                D. program controlled

Q.6. In --------memory allocation, storage is allocated at run-time i.e. memory binding are established and destroyed during the execution of a program.

A. dynamic                                                  B. static
C. automatic                                               D. None of the above.

Q.7. Which of the following is drawback of static allocation strategy?

A. Size of the data objects must be known at compile time
B. Data structures cannot be created dynamically
C. Recursive procedure are restricted
D. All of the above

Q.8. Which field is not present in activation record?

A. Saved machine status                            B. Register allocation
C. Optional control link                             D. Temporaries

Q.9. Which is not part of runtime memory subdivision?

A. Stack                                                        B. Heap
C. Static data                                              D. Access link

Q.10. Which language necessarily need heap allocation in the run time environment?

A. Those that support recursion
B.Those that use dynamic scoping
C.Those that allow dynamic data structure
D. Those that uses global variables

Q.11. Which of the following expression have no l-value?

A. a[i+1]                                                         B. a
C. 3                                                               D. *a

Q.12. The size field of activation record can be determined at-----------

A. Run time                                                 B. Compile time
C. Both A and B                                          D. None of the above.

Q.13. Which of the following symbol table implementation makes efficient use of memory?

A. List                                                          B. Search tree
C. Hash table                                              D. Self-organizing list

Q.14. In which storage allocation strategy size is required at compiler time?

A. Static allocation                                     B. Dynamic allocation
C. Stack allocation                                     D. All of the above.

Q.15. Which of the following fields are of activation record?

A. Return value                                           B. Local data
C. Temporaries                                           D. All of the above