Compiler Construction MCQ :Syntax Directed Definition-SDT, SDD : Link1
Compiler Construction MCQ & Answers
Are you worried about the answers to Compiler Construction questions :Syntax Directed Definition-Syntan Directed Translation, Syntax Directed Definition-inherited, synthesized attributes? We have arranged the Show Answer button under the each question. Candidates can click on it to know the right option among the given alternatives. Furthermore, the applicants can check our web portal @ to take part in more MCQ on various subject. Wish, the given information about the Compiler Construction MCQ will helpful to the advance and can learn the various types of questions and answers.
Q.1. A grammar oriented compiling technique known as--------------
A. Syntax directed translation
B. Data flow translation
C. Two pass compiler
D. None of the above.
Q.2. Type checking is normally done during-----------
A. Lexical analysis
B. Syntax Analysis
C. Syntax directed translation
D. Code optimization
Q.3. A parse tree showing the value of attributes at each node is called----------
A. Syntax tree B. Annotated parse tree
C. Semantic tree
D. All of the above.
Q.4. Inherited attribute is a natural choice in----------
A. keeping track of variable declaration
B. checking for the correct use of L-values and R-values
C. both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above.
Q.5. Syntax directed translation scheme is desirable because-------
A. it is based on the syntax
B. its description is independent of any implementation
C. it is easy to modify
D. All of the above.
Q.6. A synthesized attribute is an attribute whose value at a parse tree node depends on -------
A. Attributes at the siblings only
B. Attributes at parent node only
C. Attributes at children nodes only
D. None of the above.
Q.7. A inherited attribute is an attribute whose value at a parse tree node not depends on------
A. Attributes at the siblings only
B. Attributes at parent node only
C. Attributes at children nodes only
D. None of the above.
Q.8. Attributes whose values are defined in terms of a node’s own attributes, node’s siblings and node’s parent are called--------
A. Inherited attributes
B. Physical attributes
C.Logical attributes
D. Un-synthesized attributes
Q.9. The--------translation statements can be conveniently specified in YACC.
A. Syntax-directed
B. Image-directed
C. Sign-directed
D. Segment-directed
Q.10. In a bottom up evaluation of a syntax direction definition, inherited attributes can-------
A. always be evaluated
B. be evaluated only if the definition is L –attributed
C. evaluation only done if the definition has synthesized attributes
D. None of the above.
Q.11. Synthesized attribute can be easily simulated by a---------
A. LL grammar
B. Ambiguous grammar
C. LR grammar
D. None of the above.
Q.12. In synthesize attribute, we can evaluate in------------order.
A. Bottom-up
B. Top-down
C. Preorder D. None of the above.
Q.13. In inherited attribute, we can evaluate in---------order.
A. Bottom-up
B. Top-down
C. postorder
D. None of the above
Q.14. An SDD without side effects is called ---------
A. Context free grammar
B. Operator grammar
C. Attribute grammar
D. Both A and C
Q.15. An SDD that involves only synthesized attributes is called--------
A. S-attributed
B. L-attributed
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above.